An Animal Education

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Last weekend, the kids and I went out to see my friends lambs. These lambs are Barbados blackbelly sheep. They were only a week or so old and very cute. Surprisingly sturdy on their feet. The mother's were a bit wary of us but we got to pet one. They are hair sheep and do not grow wool.

We also got to meet some Alpaca.  They were very curious and even lined up to meet us! They were actually taller than I expected, I was looking them right in the eye. I thought the kids would be scared but they weren't and wanted to pet them. The Alpaca were having none of that, they were too shy to be touched.

'I' was very brave and even tried to feed one with some grass. I was a bit worried he might take her fingers off though!

The kids had a great time and learned a lot about animal husbandry and animals at the same time. All this and we didn't even have to go more than 3 minutes away from home!

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