7 things about me

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thanks for tagging me Tara! Ok, this is the first time Marina's Studio has been tagged. The idea is to list 7 things that people don't necessarily know about you. So here goes:

1. I have only been doing crafts since just before Kyra was born (three years ago). I took so many pictures that creating a scrapbook seemed like a good idea. Stamping soon followed, and after some major diversions with stamping, I am now spending my time scrapbooking (stamping is really fun, and doesn't require the same amount of time or planning as scrapbooking).

2. I have a craft closet. I used to have a craft room but that has been converted into my art studio (see point below). My closet used to look like this but now it is more full and more messy.

3. I took up pastel painting just over a year ago and found I really enjoyed it and wasn't bad either. Here are some of my works.

4. Like Tara, I too am a great speller and a speedy reader. However, I am often known not to finish a book. I'm great at buying them, starting them and leaving them on my bedside table otherwise known as the Mt. Everest of books. I'd call myself a collector ....

5. I don't have any pets, just kids. If I had a pet, I'd get a dog as my parents bred, showed, judged, Boxers all my childhood.

6. I lived in Ankara, Turkey (5 mths) and San Francisco (3 mths) before moving to Canada.

7. While I enjoy scrapbooking, stamping, photography and art, my lifelong passion is actually genealogy. I have been researching my family history for 16 years and have also been researching Craig's since our marriage. I have taught seminars on Internet Genealogy, using a Family History Center, Getting Started, US Genealogy and Genealogy Software. I am the staff trainer at the Kelowna Family History Center (Glenmore Rd) and used to volunteer at the Burnaby Family History Center when I lived on the coast. I recently had an article published in the May issue of Internet Genealogy magazine.

Hmmm, this looks like an idea for a scrapbook page. I challenge those that tag (Tara) to create one of their 7 things.

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