12 Things to do with your Fountain Pen

Monday, February 20, 2017

Wondering what to do with that lovely new fountain pen you just bought? Or maybe you feel guilty about that vintage fountain pen you inherited but has been lingering in a drawer....

Here are 12 things to do with your fountain pen:

  1. Write a letter. Yes, really. People love to get letters. It doesn't have to be long but it shows that you care.
  2. Keep a journal or diary. Feeling anxious? Write your thoughts in a journal. Traveling? Write down your experiences. 
  3. Practice your handwriting. After several years of not writing regularly, I had to re-learn cursive. Your fountain pen will really help you produce beautiful handwriting.
  4. Write a novel. I have 2 novels started. I'm not sure when I will ever finish them but they are like worlds waiting for me to join them - to pop in and out to see what the characters are up to.
  5. Write a cheque. I can't remember the last time I did but signatures look so much nicer in real ink. Use bulletproof (permanent) ink if you are worried about forgeries/fraud.
  6. Sketch drawings. Even a bad sketch looks better in ink. Try using a bulletproof (permanent) ink and add some watercolour washes.
  7. Make a list. Shopping lists, to-do lists, honey-do lists, books to read, bucket list.
  8. Notes. Class notes, meeting notes, self-study notes (for when you want to master a subject).
  9. Write a greeting card, post-card or love-note. Handwritten love notes are more romantic than text messages ;)
  10. Write an inspirational quote.
  11. Draft a blog post or essay.
  12. Use a planner or bullet journal.
Finally, fountain pens are made to be used. They will last a lifetime and are environmentally friendly. Think of all the rollerball pens you've used and thrown away so far. Use your pen and never again throw away another rollerball into the landfill.

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